We know the benefits of betel leaf for women only one, namely to rid the area of femininity. Who would have thought it turned out that there are various benefits of betel leaf. The betel plant grew vine or tree trunk rests on the other. In Indonesia, the people (especially the elderly) who still hold traditional cultural chew the leaves and the fruit together with Gambier, betel nut, tobacco, and lime. Not only in Indonesia, the betel plant can also be found in India. In Tamil, the betel leaf called "vetrilai". While in Hindi, betel leaf called "paan ka patta". In India the betel leaf culture played an important role for use in the rituals of prayer, welcome guests, religious ceremonies, and as a traditional medicine.
Benefits of betel leaf for women that not much is known
One of the benefits of betel leaf for the woman who has been very popular is to clean the area of femininity. The trick is pretty easy. You only need to boil the Red betel leaves 5-10 in 250 ml water. Once cool, strain the water and use to wash away Your feminine area. In this way, the betel leaf is believed to be able to banish excessive vaginal discharge.
If you don't have much time to prepare for water decoction of betel leaf, you need not worry. Now vaginal Douches available with betel leaf extract that can be easily attained at pharmacies or supermarkets. In addition to prevent excessive vaginal discharge, benefits of betel leaf for women that include:
Launch of digestion
There is an opinion which stated that a mix of other ingredients that are added when chewing betel leaves may be less good for our body. Therefore, in principle the betel leaf can bring health benefits when we chew betel leaf without adding any mix. Betel leaf can digestives if consumed immediately after eating.
Betel leaves stimulate the production of saliva in the mouth which is filled with digestive enzymes to break down the food quickly. In addition to digestives, betel leaf can relieve digestive problems that commonly arise such as bloating and excess gas in the intestine as well as creating a healthy digestive environment.
Help maintain the hygiene of the oral cavity
Benefits of betel leaf for women the second is helping maintain the cleanliness in the oral cavity. This is because betel leaf contains a natural anti bacterial substance that can kill germs in the mouth. In addition, any betel leaves helps keep levels of acid in the mouth. As its effects, the risks for you to experience the cavities will decrease and the problem of bad breath will disappear. After chewing betel leaves, remember to always rinse out well because the rest of the betel leaves may leave stains on your teeth.
Against coughs and colds
Dust, pollution, and changes the uncertain season makes us vulnerable developing coughs and colds. The betel leaf is the right choice for mengenyahkannya in a way help clear phlegm from the throat and relieve throat pain. You are stricken with pharyngitis or tonsillitis may be able to feel the difference after chewing some pieces of betel leaf.
Relieve the pain due to gastric pain
You suffer from stomach pain? Benefits of betel leaf for women this one you might not expect-expect: stomach pain due to relieve the pain you are experiencing. Stomach pain is a condition that makes the sufferer uncomfortable physically and mentally. Some research suggests that the betel leaf have content that can protect the stomach wall, so if you experience an increase in stomach acid, consuming the betel leaf can help relieve symptoms you feel.
Cope with Acne
Benefits of betel leaf for women that this one may be eagerly awaited. Before you spend money to buy acne medications, why not first tried betel leaf? To treat acne, you can use water decoction of betel leaf. Take a clean cloth, dip into the water decoction of betel leaves, and use it to wipe your face.
If you want more practical, you can also directly use the betel leaves are boiled water to wash face, of course after earlier clearing the remains of makeup from your face. Doing it this way at least twice a day, especially after activities outside the home.
Overcome the itch
If you experience itching due to allergies or other skin problems, before growing severe itchiness and leave scars on your skin, you can try to resolve them with betel leaves. The trick is, take 10-12 pieces of betel leaf, boiled briefly in hot water. There is no need merebusnya too long, so the betel leaf wilt immediately turn off the heat. Combine water decoction of betel leaves it with water you use to bathe.
If the itching just concentrated in hands and feet, you can instantly soaking with water decoction of betel leaf. Content of antiseptic and anti-inflammatory on the betel leaf will help relieve the itch on the skin, as well as making the healing process of the skin that is itching to run more quickly.
Help the detoxification process
The detoxification process is very useful in order to reach the body better health conditions. The betel leaf is also known for its ability to cleanse the toxins from the body. Benefits of betel leaf for women for detoxification is very important, because a clean body of toxins will be visible from the outside as a fitter body. The skin will appear more clean, radiant, and youthful.
Eliminate body odor
Body odor can be greatly lowered the confidence of a person, let alone a woman. Benefits of betel leaf in eliminating body odor may be you've heard. Many cases of body odor caused by the bacteria interact with sweat on some parts of the body like the armpits. Anti bacterial content in betel leaf helps kill germs and bacteria the cause of body odor, body odor so you gradually subsided.
Overcoming Burns
The Sun or exposed to steam of hot water can cause burns. One of the benefits of betel leaf for women is to overcome the light Burns, because it can not be denied is sometimes mild burn scarring on the skin is not eye-catching. It's easy. Pick a few pieces of betel leaf, lumatkan and then mix it with a little organic honey and then DAB at the area of affected skin burns. Betel leaves and honey together will relieve the pain and minimize inflammation resulting from burns incurred.
So some of the benefits of betel leaf for women that we can pass on. The benefits are great made betel required in the collection of medicinal plants you have. How to plant betel else easy. In principle, the betel plant will thrive in soil that is moist and simply got the sunshine. Be careful to not even soaked it with too much water. Excessive sunlight can make its growth is not so good. So, wait? It's time to plant betel plant in your home, now.
He benefits of betel leaf for women, are interested in Trying?
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