For most people that is ' gifted ' thin, add a few pounds of weight loss could be more difficult than imagined, let alone if the thought of how to make the body contains yet remain healthy. The easiest way is to eat foods that contain a lot of calories. But the thing is, foods that contain a lot of calories usually are less healthy food (junk food, fast food, or foods with artificial sweeteners or fat levels are high). In fact, the body requires more than just calories in order to be able to run its functions properly. The incoming food must also have a complete nutritional value such as carbohydrates, proteins, vitamins, and minerals.
You should also understand that it is not always that contains healthy bodies. In adding weight, should that have elevated is subcutaneous fat and/or muscle mass. Subcutaneous fat is the fatty tissue that lies just under the skin. Unhealthy fat is visceral fat, which accumulates around internal organs. You see someone with abdominal membuncit? It is an example of visceral fat. In this way you gain weight will largely determine where the fatty buildup will occur.
How to make a Body contains: gain weight the easy way and nourish
Make the body become more contained can be a challenge for some people. The difficulty of raising the weight can be metabolic abnormalities because someone is experiencing, the body's metabolism is faster than most other people, or just because it's difficult adding muscle mass (some people look slimmer but his body more ' weight '; This is because her weight is derived from muscle mass instead of fat). The following are helpful tips on how to make a body contains can you follow so that the needle of the scales You shifted to the right with success.
Focus on your health
Think back to why you want to put on weight. This is important, that you do not eat blindly just so Your weight is heavier. Imagine two people, the A and the B, which both have the same weight: 65 kg. Although it has the same weight, the A looks more sleek and singset than b. Conversely, the B has a Chin ' doubled ', and it appears there are lumps of fat around his waist. Body shape which of the following would you choose? Of course, in adding weight, you don't want to eventually have the body shape like B, right?
If you've recently experienced significant weight loss and your goal is to return the weight as before, consult it to the doctor to see if there are health problems that cause weight loss such. Especially for individuals over the age of 65 years, significant weight loss can be a sign of the existence of serious problems in the body and therefore must be consulted on the doctor.
Of course how to make body contained in certain medical conditions are not indiscriminate. Your doctor or dietitian will help determine the ideal body weight for you, specify whether the weight gain program you will do should be accompanied by certain sports, and they can also help draw up improvement program weight loss nutritional needs and your medical condition.
Set realistic goals
You'll need before you step on how to make a body contains the next is to make realistic goals. Most people want instant results. However, it really depends on the speed of Your metabolism. In addition, the increase in body weight in quick time is not recommended by health experts.
Ideally, you can add muscle mass as much as 0.5-1 kilogram every month. If you also want to gain weight through fat (in addition to muscle mass), you can increase the weight as much as 2-4 kilogram every month. Muscle is heavier than fat, but add muscle mass also require longer periods of time.
Keep away from junk food
Though to add to your weight it is recommended to increase the intake of calories, it is not thus justify you to consume junk food. Although junk food can make you fuller, but this type of food is not good for your overall health. Stay away from fast food, artificial sweeteners, and fry-pan.
Calculate Resting Metabolic Rate (RMT)
The next step as a way to make the Agency contains is to know Your Resting Metabolic Rate. Resting Metabolic Rate (RMT) is the rate of burning calories at a time when the body is in rest. To calculate the RMT is enough to know your weight and height. The calculation of specific gender according to the RMT, so calculating the RMT in men will be different with the way the count in women.
How to calculate your RESTING METABOLIC RATE the first is multiply your weight (in kilograms) by 10. The second step is to multiply your height (in centimeters) and 6.25. Follow with step three, that is, adding the results of both calculations.
For women, the age of You multiplied 5 and minus 161, then the result of the calculation on kurangkan third step with the results of counting ages just now. While for men, the age You multiplied 5 and plus 5, then the result of the calculation on kurangkan third step with the results of counting ages just now. The final result you get is the number of calories burned body at the moment of rest. So, to add weight, the number of calories you consume should exceed the RESTING METABOLIC RATE.
Set meal schedule
Eat at the same hours on each day. By eating regularly, your body can maintain blood sugar levels and metabolism rate, as well as maintaining the health of the digestive system. Eat every three or four hours with small portions. Avoid consuming carbohydrate-laden heavy meals at night.
Eat food protein source
Besides of course the consumption of carbohydrates, protein intake is important as one of the ways to make the Agency contains. However, the protein can also be a double-edged blade. This is because proteins are rich, so as to relieve hunger and reduce appetite significantly. As a result, you'll be hard-pressed to eat more to get the required calories. To promote weight loss, you can consume 1.5-2.2 grams of protein per kilogram. Foods that are high in protein of which meat, fish, eggs, dairy products, beans, nuts.
Include vegetables high in nutrients and calories in your diet
Vegetables generally contain only the least calories. However, there are also several types of vegetables that are high in nutrients and high in calories too at the same time. Types of vegetables include squash, red beets, beans, carrots, avocados, beans, and corn.
The consumption of good fats
Unsaturated fats or the ' good fats ' is one food intake you need as a way of making the body contains. Food sources of unsaturated fats not only provide the necessary calories to gain weight, but also provide energy to the body. Foods rich in unsaturated fats include Dragon fruit, almonds, peanuts, sunflower seeds, olive oil, fish oil, and avocado.
While it is difficult for some people to add to her weight, but that does not mean it can't be done. The program increased weight require consistency as the key to achieving long-term success. In a number of ways to make the Agency contains the above yet can give satisfactory results for you, no doubt, feel free to consult with doctors and nutritionists to get the program improved weight more accordance. May be useful.
How to make a Body Contains and stay healthy
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