Healthy food menu which includes a balanced nutrition is very important for maintaining the health of the body and helps us to always in top condition. In drawing up the food menu is healthy and nutritious, we should include a variety of foodstuffs and in the proper proportions. In addition to health and fitness is good for the body, a varied food menu and in the right measure and will help us to maintain an ideal weight. The food menu includes balanced nutrition will provide sufficient nutrients for the body to perform its functions.
To realize this ideal food menu, there are several types of foods that should not miss such as fresh fruits and vegetables, whole wheat, and beans. A healthy source of protein such as lean meats, eggs, fish, and milk have to be incorporated to add variety and quality of the nutrients from the food that is served.
It Turns Out That Putting Together A Menu Of Healthy Food Is Very Easy
The National Health Service, which is the agency that provides health information and services in the United Kingdom launched a guide compiled a menu of healthy and nutritious food, called "The Eatwell Guide". In this guide, the principle is that the menu of foods that we consume everyday must come from each food group. Below are some of the principles the preparation of healthy food menu ala "The Eatwell Guide" can we adaptation in everyday life we:
Limit the consumption of fat, salt and sugar
Background the release "The Eatwell Guide" is because in the United Kingdom, the majority of its people consume foods that are high in calories and too much fat, salt, and sugar. On the other hand, consumption of fruit, vegetables, fish, and fibre is still low. Not much different from in the United Kingdom, the country we face similar problems coupled with the emergence of a variety of fast food outlets grew mushrooming lately.
Chocolate, cake, biscuits, fizzy drinks, butter, and ice cream are examples of foods that contain lots of fat and sugar. If you love to consume foods that contain lots of fat, salt, and sugar, it is certainly not good for healthy food menu which let you praktikkan. Try to start pruning these types of foods, both in terms of frequency as well as its proportions. That is, try to consume it infrequently and in very small amounts.
Consume at least 5 servings of vegetables and fruit per day
Most of us do not consume enough fruits and vegetables. In fact, fruit and vegetables play an important role because it is a source of vitamins and minerals are very rich. In fact, the proportion of fruit and vegetables should reach one third of the total whole foods that we consume every day. To that end, it is recommended to consume at least 5 servings of vegetables and fruit per day. How can has varied. You can consume vegetables and fresh fruit or juice. But keep in mind that the juice and/or smoothie should not be more than 150 ml per day.
Fruits and vegetables are sources of vitamins, minerals, and fiber in our healthy food menu. A lot of evidence to suggest that someone who consume at least 5 servings of vegetables and fruit every day have a lower risk for developing heart disease, stroke, and cancer.
It is not difficult to consume 5 servings of vegetables and fruit in a day. One Apple, banana, pear, or another fruit that has a similar measure already is one serving. A piece of pineapple or melon is also the one serving. Similarly with 3 tablespoons vegetable. Thus, include a vegetable or fruit in every great meal (3 times a day) and in a snack between each meal (twice a day) is enough meets the needs of vegetable and fruit in a day.
Limit dietary consumption of flour-starchy Staples
It turns out that the flour-based foods or carbohydrate sources such as starchy staples of potatoes, bread, rice, or pasta should be no more than a third of the total of our food. Surely this is contrary to the understanding of the already misguided in a society where rice consumption is precisely as many.
Foods containing carbohydrates is indeed a source of energy for our bodies, but don't forget to include other sources of carbohydrates are also rich in fibers in our healthy food menu. Potatoes, for example. Potatoes with their skins, not only provide carbohydrates according to needs of the body, but also vitamins and fiber. Brown rice, pasta and white bread also contains more fiber and vitamins.
Beans, eggs, meat, and fish as sources of protein
Protein is important for our body to growth and to repair the cells that have been damaged. Besides the meat protein source also provides important minerals for the body such as iron, zinc, and vitamin b. but keep in mind that the meat can be a source of fat as well. To overcome this problem, clean the skin and fat from the meat before processing it and be sure to cook the meat until cooked.
In addition to providing fish protein is also omega 3 fatty acids. Try to include fish in your healthy food menu at least 2 times a week. Choose a fresh fish, because fish are sold in cans may have high levels of salt.
Other proteins as a source of milk
Milk and dairy products such as cheese and yogurt are donating a lot of protein and calcium to the body. To be able to reap the maximum benefits of milk and dairy products without the worry of being fat, choose milk and dairy products that are low in fat and low in sugar. Dairy alternatives such as soy milk any time you can try.
Carefully choosing cooking oil
Healthy food menu which already earned Your stacking will be so cluttered if most of the food in the form of fried foods, especially if fried using unhealthy oils. Preferably, choose cooking oils with unsaturated fats. Usually the oil from sunflower seeds, olive oil, vegetable oil and relatively healthy.
Drink lots of water
The human body requires the intake of fluids 6-8 glasses a day. According to the Guide to the preparation of this menu, all kinds of liquids ranging from white water, low-fat milk, low-sugar drinks, tea, and coffee are included in the fluid that can we consume daily. Likewise with fruit juices and smoothies. However, be sure not to include sugar in the drink types in order not to damage the teeth and improve your blood sugar levels.
A guide compiled a menu of healthy food from "The Eatwell Guide" can be applied to almost all ages, except for children under two years of age because they have different nutritional needs. Between the ages of 2-5 years, a child should be introduced with the same foods consumed other family members (with proportions as described in bullet points above). Whereas in healthy adults, how to craft a menu as explained almost does not pose any problem. Good luck!
A guide compiled a Menu of healthy food for everyday
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