As prospective parents know of fetal development from week to week in the womb will certainly make us happy, especially if the fetus is developing very well. Fetal development in the womb starts from the process of fertilisation or fertilization happens in the fallopian (fallopian tubes) when one sperm cells fertilize an egg cell and entrance of a woman. After this process the egg will be referred to as a Zygote that will move into the uterus to grow and thrive for 9 months. This is the initial step in fetal development in the womb which we will discuss in this article, fetal development is you can know through a number of checks from the obstetrician with tools like ultrasound. Let us refer to the discussion!
Fetal development from week to week, from Ovulation to Delivery
The process of fetal development from week to week is so superb, it not only gets larger and the length of all the organs such as the brain, heart, lungs and others evolved rapidly in just 9 months. Wonderful isn't it? For that let us refer to how fetal development from week to week!
1. Sunday 2nd and 3rd
As a pregnant woman you surely never was asked by a doctor or midwife about when the first day of the last Menstruation (HPHT) during pregnancy checkup. This is because the health workers use this as a reference for HPHT date to age your content, considering the process of the release of the egg (ovulation) in women can be different and when sperm cells fertilize the egg cells cannot.
To that end, on Sunday the 2nd and 3rd pregnancy is actually a time when ovulation occurs until the process continues with the process of fertilization. After ovulation, the process in the body all women are an increase in the hormones estrogen and progesterone to prepare your uterus when later conception. If over a period of 2 weeks, there occurs the process of fertilization then the lining of the uterus that had previously been prepared decays and out as menstruation.
2.4th week
Next at the age of 4 weeks, the fetus you like-sized sprouts and mung bean called these embryos had been in the womb. The embryo consists of 3 layers of the important beginning of fetal development from week to week. The top layer will form the brain and nervous system, the middle layer will develop into the heart and blood vessels and lower layers will be responsible for the formation of the lungs, the digestive system and also system urinarius. The placenta that serves as a distributor of nutrients for the fetus you also have started to form.
3. the 5th Week
At this time the fetus you are undergoing rapid development for critical organs such as the heart, kidneys and liver. Fetal heart the moment you've started can pump the blood tablets even though size may be new 0.25 cm.
4. Weeks to 6-7
At this time the fetus inside the womb, you already have a heart rate of about 150 times per minute that is 2 times faster than an adult heartbeat. Now the head of the fetus seemed larger than his body, with black spots that will be the eyes. In addition, the bones and muscles of the gland the baby already began to develop similarly with a dainty hand and foot.
5. Weeks to 8-9
The current size of your fetus is already as big as grapes and have started to get moving in the womb although can not you feel. Most of the organs in the body of the fetus you have also grown rapidly.
6. Sunday 10th until the 13th
Here's is the final stages of fetal development from week to week on the I trimester and is a crucial stage because most important organs such as blood vessels have to be perfect at the end of the 13th week. In addition to important organs, legs and hands of the fetus you already can bend, his fingers can open also closes but the fetal skin still looks transparent.
7. Weeks to 14-20
Currently important organs which had been formed earlier as the brain and the kidney can work alone. And in this age of your fetus gender can be determined through ultrasound assessment. In addition at the age of 16 weeks the movement joints they've been very good, for that you can feel it WAST your stomach at this time. Next week the five senses, the development of the fetus start going for it you can already train their hearing by listening to certain music.
8. Weeks to 21-27
The current development of the fetus in the womb you have started similar babies in General, at the end of the second trimester the fetus you already have eyebrows, lips, eyes and hair which is more clear and the skin of the fetus is already terwarna because of the formation of fat under their skin. The fetus also have started doing breathing movement and have a regular sleep pattern.
9. Week 28-31
Entering the third trimester, nearly the entire system of the five senses and organs of the fetus is already well formed. Vision and also fetal lung function you have the better. At this time the fetus will focus more on growth, the size of the fetus you can already reach the size of a coconut with a weight range from 1.5 kilograms. You may also feel fetal movement became slightly reduced at the end of the week, this is due to the size of their bodies that are getting larger and the space inside your uterus is getting narrower.
10. Weeks to 32-35
From this moment as a pregnant woman you will begin to feel the weight of increased half a kilo per week because the would-be baby you're increasing the weight and length of the body so that the optimum time of birth. At the age of 32 weeks, if your baby is a male reproductive organ then (both testes) have already come down from inside the abdominal cavity into the SAC testisnya. At this age your baby also will begin to change the position where her head was at the bottom of the uterus is to face the process of its birth into the world.
11. until 36 weeks born
At this time your baby is fully ready to be born, all their organs are ready to face the new world outside the uterus of the mother.
Fetal development in the womb which we present this is a development that occurs generally in all fetuses, for that you still have to do the examination content on a regular basis to find out how your fetal development on its own. Examination content in Indonesia are required to be done at least 4 times, i.e. each once on the 1st and 2nd trimester and twice in the last trimester of pregnancy. So the article on fetal development from week to week that it shouldn't be you skip it, hopefully your pregnancy goes well until giving birth later!
The magic of fetal development from week to week Pregnancy
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