Cough phlegm so prolonged it is indeed very troubling. Not only do you feel do not fit all the time, but also a prolonged cough phlegm so can interfere with daily activities, lower your productivity, and make Your bed rest is not the maximum. At a certain point you experience coughing can also limit Your socializing needs. Hence, how to know that a cough phlegm so you are experiencing is not caused by serious health problems or just the opposite? How did the natural ways that can be practiced for at least relieve cough disorders you experienced?
The cough itself actually is a natural mechanism of the body to secrete the substance which is considered foreign to the way of breathing. Cough occurs when cells in the respiratory tract is experiencing inflammation, which triggers a series of reactions, that ultimately give rise to expenses of air from the lungs under high pressure.
Possible Causes Of Cough Phlegm So Prolonged
Prolonged cough or chronic cough, according to the medical term, is defined as a cough that lasts more than eight weeks. Chronic cough in itself is not a condition that is not common. In developed countries like the United States and countries in Europe, the cough is one of the five most common causes that someone saw a doctor. While the figures for the incidence of chronic cough on someone who is not a smoker reached 40 percent.
To find out the causes of chronic cough, especially chronic cough accompanied by phlegm, one must undergo a physical examination by a doctor, and accompanied some ancillary inspection when necessary. Below are some of the possible causes of cough phlegm so prolonged:
Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease
Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease or COPD is often abbreviated is a term which refers to a disease that attacks the lungs in the long term. COPD is a combination of two respiratory disease that is chronic bronchitis and emphysema. Bronchitis is a condition where the road leading to respiratory lung suffered an infection, which causes swelling of the bronchial wall and excessive fluid production.
As for emphysema is in air pockets in the lungs are damaged. Generally, air pockets in the lungs can inflate and deflate over time as we take and breath. Whereas when one is suffering from emphysema, the flexibility of the air pockets will be decreased so that the amount of air entering the maximum will not.
COPD is most often caused by smoking, and General arising over the age of 45 years. COPD is included in one of the causes of cough phlegm so prolonged as in these conditions, the lungs producing much phlegm, so your body will be a reflex to try to remove it by way of a cough. In addition to coughing up phlegm so, signs and symptoms of COPD is a short-short breath. This is because the breath channel suffered damage makes the individual concerned the difficulties of removing air from the lungs.
Respiratory tract infections
Coughing is one of the signs and symptoms of the most common colds, flu, or other respiratory tract infections. In addition to the onset of cough, nasal congestion and fever is one of the indications that indicate that respiratory tract infections that occur are caused by viruses. When someone was already in convalescence due to respiratory tract infections, sometimes a cough is the symptom that most recently left. This is probably because the respiratory tract are still sensitive, and inflammation that takes longer to completely heal.
One form of the infection channels of breath which belongs to seriously is pneumonia, which can be caused by viruses or bacteria. Pneumonia can cause coughing phlegm so prolonged, characterized by discharge of phlegm-colored green. In addition to coughing, a person affected by pneumonia may experience fever, chills, chest pain, weakness, fatigue, and nausea. These signs and symptoms can appear or not depends on a person's age. The elderly may not experience a fever, or they could be experiencing a cough but no phlegm so.
Pneumonia can be cured by giving antibiotics and can generally be recovered within two to three weeks. As with any flu or colds, cough symptoms on pneumonia can stay within a longer time.
Air pollution
Air pollution can cause coughing phlegm so prolonged. Even in a short time exposure against the fumes of motor vehicles for example, can trigger the onset of coughing phlegm so and lung irritation. Smoke a motor vehicle can also memperberat allergies or asthma in some people.
Acute bronchitis
If you feel you've almost recovered from the flu and is suddenly experiencing cough phlegm so again, there's a chance you're stricken with acute bronchitis. Acute bronchitis is a term used to describe a condition where in the respiratory tract lungs experience irritation.
In addition to coughing up phlegm so prolonged and tightness, bronchitis can also cause symptoms of fever, chills, sore throat, and other flu like symptoms. Signs and symptoms may be lost in a few days, but the cough itself can last up to several weeks. If the cough does not go away or if you visit repeatedly stricken with acute bronchitis, it is likely there is a more serious health problem.
Prolonged Cough phlegm so overcome with Natural ways
Pharmacies or drug stores nearby from where you live is definitely providing cough medicine in the form of syrups, sprays, tablets, or lozenge that aims to control the cough. Coughing phlegm so no, typically pharmacists will recommend the use of cough suppressant.
Dekstrometorfan is the type of cough medicine for cough phlegm so that it can not suppress the cough reflex in order to created comfort for individuals afflicted by coughing. When used appropriately according the overdose, cough suppressant can reduce discomfort due to coughing. But keep in mind that the cough can be profitable (due to the clean lines of the breath of a foreign substance), and thus not always dry cough that arise quickly suppressed.
To cope with cough phlegm so prolonged, can use an expectorant. The way it works is to thin the phlegm making it easy to be expelled from the respiratory tract. Guaifenesin expectorant is one of the popular. But in addition to using the drug, you can also use natural ways to relieve cough. The natural ways did not eliminate the cause of the cough itself, but at least it can help relieve coughs and reduce inconvenience arising. What are the natural ways?
One spoon of honey
The original honey can work effectively relieve cough, so the results of research published by the Penn State College of Medicine. Viskositasnya strong can coat the surface and repair the mucous membranes that are experiencing irritation. When bees gather honey from herbs, they add a certain enzyme that works as an antibacterial, which may help shorten the duration of cough if coughing that you experience are caused by bacteria.
You only need one tablespoon honey native to relieve cough phlegm so prolonged that you experience. Drink a tablespoon of honey is the original 1-3 times a day to relieve a cough. Drinking before bed if you experience coughing if potentially disturbing your sleep time. For children, you can adjust the overdose became the one teaspoon.
To remember is, do not give honey in children aged under 2 years because it increases the risk of infected with botulism (Clostridium botulinum bacteria because in honey; these bacteria do not cause any impact on adults, but can be fatal impact even deadly in children under 2 years of age).
Salt water
The second way that you can try if you experience coughing phlegm so protracted is the gargle with salt water. This way actually is a popular natural therapy for those suffering from strep throat. Salt water can reduce discomfort due to cough by the same mechanism in curing strep throat, namely the principle of osmosis.
Salt water concentrations higher than our body fluids. When the body is exposed by the salt water, the concentration of the cells outside of the mucous membrane becomes higher. As a result, the liquid will flow out of the mucous membranes to balance the concentration inside and outside the cells. When body fluids leave the cell, the swelling subsided, and the discomfort is reduced. If you experience coughing, gargling with salt water is also an appropriate step because it helps thin the phlegm, so you can pull out the phlegm easily.
Provide one teaspoon salt and 250 ml of warm water. Mix the salt into the water, and then stir until salt dissolves completely. Use to rinse for 15 seconds and then ludahkan the water (not swallowed). Berkumurlah with remaining water until exhausted. Afterwards rinse with clean water.
Hot steam
Hot steam can help thin the phlegm in no time, so a suitable selection of natural therapies to relieve cough phlegm so prolonged. You can also add essential oils for greater health benefits, such as eucalyptus oil. How to prepare hot steam is quite easy. To provide a basin of hot water, 1-2 drops of eucalyptus oil, and clean and soft towel.
Squirt eucalyptus oil in a basin of hot water and stir briefly to release the steam. Hover your face into the top of the basin (of course within a safe and comfortable for you). Use a towel to cover the perimeter of your head (towel is for ' trapping ' of steam), and then breathe a breath deeply. Doing it this way as much as 2-3 times a day for 5-10 minutes.
You should pay attention to when doing it this way is that hot water can cause burns even though lightly. For that make sure you are at a safe distance with hot water, and be careful so that Your limbs are not exposed to hot water.
Chicken soup
Hiruplah steam chicken soup that's still warm, to thin the phlegm and relieve cough phlegm so prolonged that you experience. In addition, chicken soup can also relieve irritation of the lungs due to the womb of chicken soup can suppress neutrophils. Neutrophils are the cells of the body that reacts to the disease by way of triggering inflammation in the area of the body that hurts.
Drink plenty of fluids
When you cough, try to drink plenty of water. The water here is not limited to just plain water only. Food soups, broth, juice, or fruit that contain lots of water you can consume. The liquid acts as a natural expectorant can help thin the phlegm You so that you are relatively easy to remove it from the body.
Once again keep in mind that natural ways mentioned above is only effective to relieve symptoms, but not necessarily eliminate the cause of prolonged cough phlegm so that you experience. Still consult your doctor in order to obtain an effective therapy. Hopefully this article helpful!
Cough phlegm so Prolonged: causes and natural ways take some
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