Talking about how to remove the tonsils, perhaps a lot of people who know that one way is through medical treatment. This is because the layout of the tonsils that sits at the base of the mouth so that it is more difficult to reach. However, for those of you who are afraid of undergoing surgery to remove the tonsils or lifting, there are some natural ways that can be performed to remove the tonsils with ease.
How to remove the tonsils with natural materials
For natural materials as a way of removing tonsils, you can easily find it. This is because some natural ingredients these are ingredients that are usually used in addition to the savory cuisine of the household. Curious? The following natural ingredients that you can use.
Lime and Whiting
Lime juice is the first ingredient that can help you cure tonsil ailments that you suffered. This is because the various contents in the lime can make the infection and inflammation of the tonsils can be reduced. As for the content of the useful is vitamin C.
To make the remedy tonsils from lime, you can mixing with whiting. Ways that you can do is squeeze 2 lemons and pour in a container. After that, combine lime juice, yield water with a whiting. Mix until evenly distributed and drink regularly for at least two to three times a week.
Leaves Of Loranthus
How to remove the tonsils is to utilize the leaves of loranthus. Loranthus leaves can be obtained at the mango tree or orange wedges. Leaves of loranthus is a plant that grows on in tree trunks.
As for how to make herb tonsils of natural medicine in the form of leaves of loranthus is you need to pound the leaves of loranthus until smooth. After that, the loranthus seduh collision leaves with hot water is roughly as much as 200 ml. Furthermore, strain and drink the water regularly.
Anyone who doubts the efficacy of natural ingredients as this one? Yes, Ginger is also known as natural ingredients that can relieve all symptoms of the disease that attacks the body. Warm nature given by Ginger in addition to relieve tonsil pain, can also remove tonsils when consumed regularly.
As for how to remove the tonsils with Ginger is prepare 2 segment ginger. Memarkan the ginger and seduh with boiling water. Wait until the somewhat cold and drink. However, let the water before drinking the decoction of ginger in the throat for a moment. For best results, you can mix the ginger stew water with pure honey.
Noni Fruit
Although famous as a fruit that has a less palatable, but the pace is believed to have many benefits for the health of the body, one of which was as a natural remedy removes the tonsils. As for how to remove the tonsils with noni fruit is prepare 1 – 2 ripe noni fruit. After that, squeeze and strain the water from the noni fruit. For best results, you can add honey in it.
Red Onion
The next natural ingredient is onions. As we know that onions have anti-inflammatory properties. In a sense the onion can help relieve inflammation and a sense of heat caused by tonsils in the throat. This proven way to tackle diseases of the tonsils which you suffered.
How, you need only Peel 1-2 cloves onion and stop eating raw and then swallow it. Tastes may indeed be uncomfortable but natural ingredients will help remove the tonsils. To remove the taste of onion, after swallowing, you can drink the water until the aroma and flavor of onion that is missing.
The Mangosteen Rind
Among the various fruit, mangosteen rind becomes one of a proven ingredient in addressing a wide array of diseases, including the tonsils. How to make it matter is relatively easy and can be done anywhere and anytime.
To overcome the tonsils with mangosteen, at least you have to set up 10 of the mangosteen skin that has been dried. After that, boiled with water to a boil. Let sit for a moment to cool. Use of water decoction of the bark of the mangosteen to gargle, and don't drink. Doing it this way in the morning and the late afternoon until my tonsils you derita deflated and lost.
At least that's some way of removing the tonsils with natural ingredients that are easy to come by. Things to keep in mind is the herb on top would be very effective to overcome illnesses tonsils that has not been so severe. If it turns out that tonsils you have already entered in the chronic level, so the only way to eliminate it is to go to the doctor and do a surgical removal of the tonsils.
The steps that need to be done to help the healing process Tonsillectomy
After knowing the natural ingredients that can heal the tonsils, you have to understand about other measures that can help the healing process tonsillectomy. Among them are the following:
The Consumption Of Healthy Foods
As a type of the disease that attacks the throat and mouth, sure the intake of nutrition and vitamins to foods should also be heeded. Therefore, for those of you who are suffering from the tonsils, it is strongly recommended to keep choosing a variety of foods that are rich in fiber, nutrients, and vitamins. Stay away from unhealthy foods such as junk food to the tonsils completely lost.
Enough rest
How to remove the tonsils with rest is enough. As we know that the body takes a break so that the body's endurance and stamina to stay up. It will also help diseases of tonsils that you suffered is not getting worse.
Do not Consume Food hot and spicy
Foods that are spicy and hot conditions will make sure the tonsils are getting worse. For that reason, you should avoid any kind of food that is spicy and hot. In addition, stay away from foods that also have a high fat content so that the healing process tonsillectomy can run smoothly.
Do Not Consume Ice
In addition to the food spicy and hot, the tonsils are also very sensitive to any kind of drink that is cold, which go into the body. This is the reason that causes sufferers tonsils are advised to stop consuming the ice up to the tonsils completely recovered.
Signs You Are Suffering From A Sore Tonsil
As with any other disease, the tonsils also have some signs or symptoms that will be felt by the sufferer. First, the sufferer will feel the pain in a part of the esophagus when swallowing food or drink. Second, sufferers often feel a headache especially after consuming food or drink that is cold, spicy, and hot. (read also: Beware the traits an inflamed tonsils following)
Third, on the conditions of the chronic phase of entering the tonsils, then the sufferer will experience a fever and an increase in body temperature that is drastic. Fourth, the emergence of a swelling in the neck area and raham. This is because there is a clear glands appear because the tonsil and it's going to be very sore when touched. And the fifth is the sound slowly will shrink as well as less obvious sounds. If you experienced some of these, we recommend that Your health condition checked immediately to the doctor. (read also: identify the cause of the tonsils the following to early prevention)
So a little review about how to remove the tonsils with natural ingredients that you can apply to relieve and prevent tonsil conditions became more severe. May be useful.
How to remove the tonsils with natural Herbal Ingredients
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