BREAST MILK (breast milk) is the best food for babies. Exclusive BREAST MILK can be given in infants since the baby was born unto the world until they reach the age of 6 months. After a period of 6 months, exclusive BREAST MILK remain good for granted until it reaches the age of 2 years.
It should be noted that mandatory Mother give MPASI (food to supplement BREAST MILK) to meet the various needs of the nutrients and minerals that cannot be fulfilled merely by breast feeding.
Sometimes the mother's concern came when production of BREAST MILK is not smoothly or decline. So came the feeling of not being able to produce BREAST MILK the baby needs. There are two important hormones that play a role in the process of the production of BREAST MILK, i.e. hormones prolactin and oxytocin.
A variety of things including food production can help both the optimal hormone. The following will explain the various information regarding food ingredients that are useful to reproduce and improve the production of breast milk.
Animal food sources to reproduce ASI
Some animal or food source which originates from animals contain various benefits both to reproduce and improve the production of breast milk. Here are some of the food sources:
Salmon is a fish that has the highest DHA content among the various types of other fish. DHA also known as dokosaheksaenoat Acid, which is not saturated fatty acid chains are very much found on the brain and the retina of the human eye.
This is not saturated fatty acids help prevent plaque build-up in blood vessels and cause disruption of the production of the hormone prolactin. Lack of prolactin production result in the production of BREAST MILK that is less smoothly. You can mengkonsumi of salmon directly or you can buy salmon oil products are also sold in pharmacies or drug stores nearby.
Cow's Milk
Cow's milk is another animal products which is very good to make BREAST MILK during breastfeeding. In cow's milk contained complete nutrition especially much needed calcium content of Mother to produce BREAST MILK with more and smoothly.
However, if your baby is experiencing a sign of an allergy to cow's milk. Then you are also obligated to stop the consumption of cow's milk and various processed products derived from cow's milk. Soy milk or soya milk can be used as an alternative other than cow's milk if your baby is experiencing allergic to protein or lactose contained in such material.
Beef with no Fat
Lean beef is also a good source of booster ASI to be consumed during the process of breastfeeding. In the beef there are deposits of iron and vitamin B12 that is sorely needed for the mother's body producing BREAST MILK is better.
In addition, some types of beef red meat like mutton or beef liver is also good for consumption during lactation. There are 43% vitamin B12 contained in 100 grams of goat meat, in addition to the content of iron, protein and fat in it.
Egg Yolk
Egg yolks are a source of protein-rich foods, lutein, vitamin B12 and vitamin D, riboflavin, folic acid, and kolin. With the consumption of egg yolk, the mother will get sufficient protein intake to produce more BREAST MILK for the baby's needs.
You can cultivate the egg yolk with a variety of ways with the usual fried egg or poach orek. Some processed egg products such as pastries can also be a good BREAST MILK booster.
Vegetable food sources to reproduce ASI
There are various sources of food derived from plants or referred to as a source of plant foods that also have many benefits to smooth and multiply the production of breast milk. The following explanation:
Date palm
The date palm is also known as the fruit of the prophets. It has been cultivated since 6000 years BCE. Dates are very good consumed during pregnancy or while breastfeeding. The content of various nutrients and minerals in fruits of the date palm is believed to increase the production of the hormone oxytocin in the body of the mother.
In addition to the consumption of the fruit of the date palm directly, you can mix the dates with milk UHT or pasteurization. Palm milk smoothie recipes that you can make yourself: with soaking grains 7 dates in a glass of water all night. You can save these dates in the marinade in the refrigerator to get cold sensation.
After soaking overnight, blend dates in water, marinade and 100 ml UHT cow milk or pasteurized. This milk dates juice can be drunk every exhausted breakfast in the morning. Has many testimonials and real experience of mothers who consumed juice milk dates feel the production of BREAST MILK that never diminished and did not experience fatigue during breastfeeding.
In addition to Palm juice milk, if you don't have much time to cultivate yourself. Has various brands of beverages are available require a sari of dates that can be easily you get at drug stores and pharmacies.
Brown rice or brown rice
A variant of chocolate rice and brown rice contain complex carbohydrates that more than white rice. These complex carbohydrates content has many advantages, among others, the mother will feel full more quickly and the energy required for lactation will be optimized due to the calories contained in brown rice or brown rice a lot more when compared with white rice.
Condition of excessive body weight can be the cause of less lancarnya the production of breast milk. With brown rice or brown rice, moms can carry out a healthy diet during breastfeeding but also does not reduce the quality of BREAST MILK given to the baby.
Citrus Fruits
Not only the content of vitamin C in citrus fruits that are very useful to reproduce the BREAST MILK for breastfeeding Moms. Vitamins B1, B2, B3, B5, B6, iron, folic acid, calcium, and phosphorus contained in the juice of citrus fruits is necessary to balance the production of hormones prolactin and oxytocin in the body of the mother.
The content of antioxidants in citrus fruits was also able to restore freshness and suppleness of the skin of the mother after childbirth. In addition to the production of BREAST MILK that is smooth, beautiful skin will be Mothers get with fresh citrus fruit consumption regularly.
Fresh squeezed citrus fruits directly is better than orange juice or citrus drink sold in supermarkets as well as drinks that are orange syrup. The juice of fresh citrus fruit is a natural material that is free of artificial sweeteners as well as content of a food preservative. Sweetener and food preservative overload will give the side effects less well at both the maternal health nursing as well as the baby.
Green Vegetables
A wide range of nutrients and minerals content in green vegetables is necessary to smooth the production of breast milk. Edamame, spinach, asparagus, katuk leaves, papaya leaves, vegetable pare and chayote is an example of green vegetables that you can consume and has been trusted as a booster of BREAST MILK.
Green vegetables contain lots of phytoestrogens. I.e. a compound similar to estrogen hormone receptors will be captured in the brain similar to the body's natural estrogen a woman. Estrogen is indispensable to the health of the Mother or breast feeding organs.
Thus information on various foodstuffs of animal or vegetable that is very beneficial to smooth and multiply the production of BREAST MILK during breastfeeding. In addition to food, the psychological factor is also a major factor if you want production of BREAST MILK. Mothers who are always happy are proven capable of producing BREAST MILK more than a mother's stress and stressful. Hopefully this article helpful!
A variety of Foodstuffs that can Reproduce ASI
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