This is the variety of symptoms of Appendicitis often happens

The symptoms of appendicitis is that many feared society. How not, someone suffering from appendicitis should be brought to the operating table in order to get relief. Appendicitis is a part of the colon that are located in the lower-right part of the abdomen. As the name implies, this appendix means gut that ends stalemate, resembling a sac. Inflammation or inflammation in the Appendix will provide a typical appendicitis symptoms.

Treating disease appendicitis is the important thing. Because if not treated appropriately and promptly, appendicitis can be complications or effects of a disease that is worse. One of the complications of appendicitis which is feared if the appendix is inflamed and rupture to contaminate other abdominal organs. The disease untreated appendicitis can also cause infection in many parts of the body. Then, find out and learn about the symptoms of intestinal buntuk is the important thing.

This is Appendicitis Symptoms to look out for
The symptoms of appendicitis occurred because of an inflamed Appendix. In fact, the word appendicitis here are less precise, because the actual organ is inflamed Appendix. Appendix is the tip of the appendix that is smaller and located more in the end. What can cause inflammation of the Appendix? A lot of the myths say that Chili Beans or rice goes into the pouch of appendicitis is the cause of appendicitis.

The myth cannot be said is true although also cannot be said to be wrong. Inflammation of the appendix may be caused by any objects that enter and clog the holes in the Appendix. Because, when there are objects that clog the appendectomy, the spending juices of the walls of the Appendix will be blocked and this can lead to the growth of bacteria that many in the area, thus leading to inflammation. Inflammation happens this will menimbukan the symptoms of appendicitis as below:

Bloated Stomach
Discomfort in the abdomen a symptom of appendicitis is often the case at the beginning of the disease. Discomfort is often interpreted as flatulence. The location of the abdomen feels bloated most are usually felt in the solar plexus. Stomach felt awful that it can take up to 12 hours continuously. Usually after 12 hours or one day, bad taste in the stomach will be relocated or changed to the more obvious pain.

The symptoms of appendicitis can happen next is feels pain in the solar plexus. Its location is the solar plexus just below the rib cage connection right and left, or about 5 cm to 10 cm above the belly button. Pain felt blunt but sharp and burned like disease ulcer. Pain in the solar plexus is usually an early symptom of appendicitis before the pain moved to the lower right abdomen location.

No wonder many people incorrectly assume this pain as a sign of heartburn. The difference is, the solar plexus pain here will not subside after being given the drug and ulcer will typically continue for 12 hours to 1 day. Read also: know the traits of heartburn and a wide variety of causes.

Pain In Lower Right Abdomen
This is a symptom of appendicitis is most distinctive. Organs are cecum or Appendix is located in the abdominal area under kenan so great that inflammation going on here will give you a sense of pain in the same area. Abdominal pain on the lower right is usually preceded by symptoms of stomach bloating or pain in the solar plexus. The intensity of the pain will be increasing over time, can even to disrupt your sleep time. Even this pain is going to be one of the most pain you will ever feel. This pain can be compounded when you sneeze, cough or move.
Loss Of Appetite
In addition to abdominal pain, signs of appendicitis more typical enough and you need to report it to the doctor when the check is loss of appetite. Unlike the patients disease ulcer which is usually still willing to try eating, disease appendicitis patients often resist trying to eat because it felt the lack of desire to eat. It can even occur before the stomach feels pain. Improves appetite is a clue that it is not a symptom of appendicitis, however if a decrease in appetite remained even worsened especially accompanied lower right abdominal pain, you should look out for.

Nausea and vomiting
Heartburn and flatulence can sometimes be perceived only as patients a sense of nausea. Pain in lower right abdomen can also be accompanied with nausea. Vomiting is also often a symptom of appendicitis. Nausea and vomiting who settled and got worse as particularly worthy of appendicitis symptoms.

Changes To The Customs CHAPTER
Is the change of habit CHAPTER is either you get diarrhea or experienced hard bowel movements. Changes CHAPTER is most often discarded when dirt becomes liquid and CHAPTER freuensi CHAPTER become more frequent than the habits of your chapter. However You can also even be difficult CHAPTER and dirt out with feels hard.

Hard Waste Gas
Taste awful bloating and stomach that you suffered usually makes you want to waste gas. But be careful when suddenly you cannot waste gas as usual. Even though it has sleep and wait for a few hours, it seems like the hard gas released. Symptoms of intestinal butu this when combined with the above symptoms need to be particularly aware of the disease as a sign of appendicitis.

One more thing that characterize the disease appendicitis is the result of the emergence of fever may be the growth of bacteria in the cecum. Fever that appears at the beginning of the disease to its not too hot, it just feels ' warm ' accompanied by a sense of malaise. When the disease already progresses is getting worse, the body temperature can rise to become a serious fever.

Disease appendicitis is a disease that requires absolute medical aid. Although surgery is a medical procedure that could not be released from the risk of possible complications, yet it is the most appropriate way to treat disease appendicitis now. The disease untreated appendicitis and taken quickly may cause inflammation of the intestines and abdominal organs in other more dangerous.

When disease appendicitis treated as early, then the incision operation performed can be small, unlike the operations performed when the disease has already progressed to appendicitis serious stage. If you want to be more sure, you may request the examination of Ultrasonography or ultrasound to see if the appendix is inflamed or not, although not all can be seen from the Appendix ultrasound. Segeralh to the doctor or emergency installation when you, your family or your friends shows symptoms of appendicitis as has been outlined above.


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