Some of you, who have never had the experience of getting pregnant before, may be wondering, normalkah abdominal pain while pregnant young? In principle, pain, cramping, and sore in the stomach when you being pregnant is a normal thing. Bring the baby in the womb to cause stress on muscles, joints, and blood vessels around Your uterus. This can lead to the onset of any discomfort in the area around the abdomen. Especially if gestational age is getting enlarged, the muscles that support Your growing uterus stretch so it's normal if you feel pain in the area. If nothing else it entails, then stomach pain you feel is not normally a problem that should be feared.
Along with the growth of the fetus which is greater and meet the cavity in the womb, the uterus You will tend to ' slant ' to the right side and ligaments-neighboring ligaments will be to support Your uterus contracting. So do not be surprised if on an already advanced gestational age, typically in the third trimester, you'll more often experience cramps in your stomach. However, what if you feel pain when pregnant stomach is young?
"Normalkah abdominal pain while pregnant I experienced Young?"
When gestational age you are still very young, stomach pain that you feel could be a sign of early pregnancy. At this stage, a woman could have been unaware that he is pregnant. An early sign of pregnancy was similar to abdominal pain abdominal pain you feel when you will get your menstruation. This is due to fetal Central candidate doing the process of implantation (stick) on the wall of the uterus. You may also be feeling the muscle pain because the ligaments on the stomach started doing stretching to prepare the uterus to welcome new residents.
In addition to abdominal pain while pregnant young, early signs of pregnancy can be in the form of vertigo, tired of heavier than usual, nausea, more sensitive to odors, sour or bitter mouth, frequency and urinate more often. Some women also issued the blood spots or flecks.
Discharge of blood spots or flecks may make you think that you are not pregnant. However, you will observe that the discharge of blood spots or flecks of blood in contrast with menstruation. Blood spots or flecks coming out as a sign of early pregnancy have different colors, and not many.
In addition to a sign of early pregnancy, abdominal pain while pregnant young can also be caused by intercourse. Abdominal pain that you feel in intercourse post can resemble a mild stomach cramps or pain in your back. You may be worried that the post-abdominal pain in intercourse that you feel will impact badly on Your fetus. But a lot of opinion which says that intercourse safely performed throughout the period of pregnancy, of course unless Your obstetrician suggested otherwise.
When gestational age You reach around 12 weeks, you may feel a sharp pain on one or both sides of the area located between the stomach and thighs when you stand, tilt the body or perform stretching. This is normal, because along with the growth of the fetus muscles around the abdomen will also experience a stretch.
To relieve an upset stomach while pregnant young, initial steps are usually directly effective is to rest when pain begins to arise. When you are standing, try sitting down for a while. If possible, try lying on the opposite side by side the incidence of pain (if stomach pain that you feel in the right hand side, try lying slanted to the left). To minimize the incidence of back pain when pregnant stomach is young, gentle exercise does no harm whatsoever you do, such as walking or swimming.
In addition, try to reproduce the intake of fluids and change your diet a little but often. This will bring significant change. If there is a spouse or closest people around you, you can also ask them to massage the lower back section you gently to relieve the pain. You can also try a warm bath or put a bag or bottle containing warm water on the area of pain, and try to remain calm.
Abdominal pain while pregnant you have to beware of Young
Although the vast majority of cases we can conclude that the abdominal pain that arises when pregnant young General is a normal thing, it is not supposed to lose our vigilance. It doesn't hurt to report it on the doctor, especially if the abdominal pain you feel gain weight. Don't delay to go to a doctor if the pain does not disappear after a few minutes of rest, or if the pain is accompanied with pain/hot when urinating, bleeding, abdomen feels stiff, vomiting, and fever.
In addition to the possible causes that have been outlined above, an upset stomach while pregnant young can be caused by things that are not related at all with pregnancy, such as appendicitis, ovarian cysts, kidney stones, urinary tract infection (UTI), or a problem on the gall bladder. If you have a myoma (tumor in uterus benign nature) that as long as this does not cause any symptoms, while you are pregnant may myoma you have can cause discomfort. Two things here You should also beware of:
Unfortunately, abdominal pain while pregnant young can also be one of the signs of miscarriage. Miscarriages happen because a fetus is not growing perfectly, and more often occur in the first 12 weeks of pregnancy because it is the most vulnerable period. Stomach ache you feel centered at the bottom of your stomach, accompanied by cramps and bleeding a lot. Don't delay to go to the nearest health facilities, especially if you have to change more than 1 sanitary pad (to hold blood) every hour.
Ectopic pregnancy
An ectopic pregnancy occurs when the candidate's foetus sticking outside of the uterine cavity (cases ectopic pregnancy at most in the fallopian tubes), which of course can not evolve and ultimately the pregnancy cannot be sustained. Someone may be experiencing an ectopic pregnancy if you feel severe stomach cramps starting from one side of the stomach and then spread to all parts of your stomach.
He will also bleed from the road, who are usually dark colored and dilute. These signs usually appear around the 5th week until the 10th during pregnancy. An ectopic pregnancy is given a serious condition, which could threaten the safety of the mother if it does not immediately get the proper handling, one should immediately be brought to the nearest health facility when showing signs such as the above.
So the article can be presented about abdominal pain while pregnant young, including possible causes, how to relieve, and what are the signs and symptoms that accompany the abdominal pain to look out for. Enjoy Your pregnancy and hopefully always healthy!
Abdominal pain while pregnant Young: causes and how to overcome it
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