Almost everyone needs pain medication stomach naturally when they suddenly felt stomach pain that was unbearable. Because the abdominal pain is indeed being the most common types of diseases that would be experienced by anyone, whether old or young. Although abdominal pain sufferers rarely cause serious problems, but there are also some types of abdominal pain be a symptom or sign of the emergence of other more dangerous disease.
Talk about pain medication stomach, drugs derived from natural ingredients are more trusted by most of society Indonesia when compared with chemical-based medicine. In addition to not harmful for the body, pain medication stomach naturally also carries benefits that are fast enough in relieving symptoms of abdominal pain that hit.
Various natural Colic Remedies Accessible
For your information, most of the stomach pain occurs in the abdomen. For this type of abdominal pain, usually only give rise to a sense of the cramps only and will disappear by itself. But if your abdominal pain appear suddenly and only based on one point alone, then you must be aware of it. Because this is a sign of where there are quite serious problems for your body. If you experience stomach pain with such symptoms, you should immediately take it to the doctor to get a proper handling.
As for some natural remedies for abdominal pain that can be used will be reviewed on this occasion. These drugs are made up of ingredients that are accessible so you can immediately mengonsumsinya to relieve symptoms of abdominal pain.
Natural remedy stomach aches the first is the guava. This fruit is very efficacious overcome stomach ache, especially for this type of stomach pain due to eating spicy food, diarrhea, and constipation as well. This is because the guava is effective improve the process of water absorption in the intestine thus the potent issues for the relief of mild abdominal pain.
In addition to guava, carrot is also famous for powerful to overcome stomach ache. A natural remedy that this one has a fairly high potassium content. Its function is to help launch the process of food digestion in the body. In addition, the carrot is also efficacious in the process of formation of stool.
For maximum results, you can make a carrot juice and as laced with mint leaves. The natural mineral content of both these materials not only helps relieve stomach pain but also helps relieve pain due to inflammation of the stomach.
As we know, the yogurt is famous as a nutritious probiotic drinks to keep the digestive system in the body, increase the immune, and helped launch a chapter. Properties owned by the yogurt is what makes this material as a natural abdominal pain medication is also worth consumed.
As for tips on using yogurt as a cure a stomach ache naturally is with the consumption of 4 tablespoons of yogurt before breakfast or before going to bed. You can prove the results on the third day after the consumption of yogurt on a regular basis.
Natural stomach ache cure is papaya. The fruit is rich in fiber that serves to help launch the digestive system. However, not all types of abdominal pain can be overcome with the consumption of papaya. Even for a particular stomachache, papaya consumption is not so recommended.
For example you are experiencing abdominal pain due to bloating, never to take some papaya consumption. Because of very high fibre content in papaya will increase production of the wind that is present in the body. So instead of the bloated stomach pains cured, but rather IE is becoming increasingly severe.
Types of natural remedy stomach aches that are bananas. The fruit of this one is very easy to find so in the market or vegetable artisan. The things that make banana fruit can relieve stomach pain is because inside are the content of potassium, an electrolyte, and potassium is high. The content in the banana fruit is very effective in helping the digestive system, preventing the onset of dehydration, and can help the detoxification process or spending toxins from the body.
Coconut Water
Who does not know about the benefits of coconut water? Yes, coconut water is indeed very well known as a natural remedy to tackle various diseases in the body ranging from minor ailments to poisoning. So is the case with abdominal pain. Coconut water contain electrolytes and minerals naturally is very potent to cure stomach pain either because of bloating, diarrhea, or other causes.
According to some research, the potassium content contained on kelepa is also very powerful water to neutralize the toxins that get into the stomach. Simply by taking a glass of coconut water per day, then all the problems you are experiencing abdominal pain can be overcome easily.
Mix the tea and ginger
This is one of the natural abdominal pain medications that have been used throughout to overcome stomach ache. You yourself may be aware that when you are small, you are often given hot tea or warm ginger when experiencing pain especially in the abdomen.
This is because the warm ginger and tea when mixed together will bring up the warm sensation in the stomach. This natural remedy is suitable on abdominal pain due to bloating. To make this traditional herb quite easily. You just need to prepare hot tea and warm ginger campurlah with collisions. Drink when the stomach feel less tasty.
That's some pain medication stomach naturally you have to try when your stomach feel less tasty. Things to keep in mind, if it turns out the abdominal pain you are experiencing is not a usual disease in general such as diarrhea, mag, or bloating, then the best move is to go to the doctor to get a proper diagnosis. (read also: causes of lower left abdominal pain and how to handle)
Tips to Note For Treating abdominal pain
Besides taking various drugs natural abdominal pain above, there are a few other tips are also noteworthy. The tips will be reviewed the following must be done in order for the treatment of abdominal pain is running optimally. Some tips are as follows:
Multiply the rest until the condition improves stomach
Drink more water to avoid dehydration. For these tips, drink plain water little by little but often so that the stomach can more easily digest
Never consume alcohol or beverages containing soda
Do not consume the spicy food because it can aggravate the condition of abdominal pain. At least wait for 48 hours after stomach felt a bit better before returning to eating spicy food
Do not consume fatty foods because it will make the process of food digestion experienced by stomach weight walk more.
When would I have to go to a doctor When Experiencing abdominal pain?
As explained above that there is some kind of abdominal pain that became the precursor to the emergence of other ailments in the body. To that end, here's a situation where you need to go to the doctor when a sore stomach. Among them are the following:
Abdominal pain accompanied by vomiting that lasts more than 2 days
Appears high fever attacks
Unable to defecate for 2 days
The intensity of the urination became more frequent and brings up pain
Pain in the abdomen appears on the injury ever
Vomiting blood
Bowel movements are accompanied by the appearance of spots of blood
Difficulty breathing
Abdominal pain when the pregnancy
So some reviews about pain medication stomach naturally, tips that can be done to relieve abdominal pain, as well as the conditions under which you should checked Your abdominal pain on the doctor. So, then all sorts of types of stomach pain you are experiencing can be addressed appropriately. May be useful.
Pain medication Stomach easily obtainable natural and Proven
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